2008 September 13 / jjddaavviiss@@ccaarrlleettoonn..eedduu
Carleton College CS 201, Fall 2008, Prof. Joshua R. Davis
First, the CS computer labs have changed somewhat, so we should make sure that you can log in and use Python. Go to CMC 306 or CMC 304 and log in on a Mac. If you can't log in, then see Mike Tie (in CMC 305) immediately. You must be registered for the course to log in.
On the Mac, acquaint yourself with Smultron (a text editor) and the Terminal. For example, you might type
print '''hello, world'''into the text editor, save this program as "test.py" in your home directory, and then execute it in the Terminal using
python test.py
If you have any problems, consult a lab assistant.
Of course, you are welcome to use another Python set-up or your own computer, if you prefer, as long as your programs run correctly on the lab machines. This page may or may not help.
In this course, we use Python for all programming assignments. They begin soon (Wednesday). If you need to practice with Python, try this page.
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