2010 September 19 / |j|d|a|v|i|s|@|c|a|r|l|e|t|o|n|.|e|d|u

Assignment: Efficiency

Carleton College CS 201, Prof. Joshua R. Davis


This assignment has two goals. The first is to implement the List type discussed in class, which is similar to the built-in Python list. The second is to compare the performance of List to that of the Python list. You'll gather actual timing data and explain them using conceptual arguments.

You may complete this assignment alone or with a single partner of your choice. You hand in two files list.py and listtests.py electronically; you also hand in a report on paper. I recommend that you type the report. Both are due by Tuesday 11:59 AM.

Implement List

As we've discussed in class, a List is a sequence of objects indexed from 0, like a Python list. The precise Python specification is as follows.

Of course, because these are methods they all take self as the first argument; this is omitted in the notation above. The five methods with underscores in their names are Python special methods. This means that you call them using special syntax provided by Python, rather than calling them by their actual names:

The first part of your assignment is to implement this List type in Python. Type it in a file list.py. Use a linked list construction, not the built-in Python list. Don't rewrite LinkedListNode; just import it from linkedlistnode.py. (That's why we made linkedlistnode.py — we're going to use it again and again.) Maintain a count of the items in the list so that __len__() is fast. Don't forget Good Python Style elements such as docstrings and a demo section.

Test Appending

In the rest of this assignment we'll collect data on how fast List is, compared to the built-in Python list. First I want to know how fast our List's append operation is. I suspect that its speed may depend on how many items are in the list. So I set up the following test procedure.

  1. Make a List of 1000 items (say). It's good to use items that are all the same, such as the integer 0.
  2. Test how much time it takes to append one item (again a 0).
  3. Append 999 more items. So now the list has 2000 items total.
  4. Test how much time it takes to append one item.
  5. Append 999 more items, so the list has 3000 items.
  6. Test how much time it takes to append one item.
  7. ...
Section 4.2 of our textbook explains how to test how much time an operation takes. The basic idea is to ask Python how much processing time the program has used, before and after the operation; then subtract to find how much processing time the operation itself took. The units are seconds. See here:
startTime = time.clock()
endTime = time.clock()
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime

In a new file listtests.py, write some code to perform the timing test just described. My version tests Lists of up to 10000 items. Depending on how fast your computer is, you may have to adjust the specific numbers you use. There is always some small noise or error in the elapsed times. Sometimes the noise goes away if you rerun the test. If not, then you can mitigate the noise by running bigger tests. (On the other hand, you can't make your elapsed times so big that you go past the due date for this assignment.)

Now you have a bunch of data about how long it takes to append to lists of various sizes. For your paper report, make a precise graph of your data, using a spreadsheet, Mathematica, pen and paper, or whatever you like. Describe the trend using big-O notation (Section 4.2.1). Also, based on your knowledge of how List is implemented, explain why the trend occurs.

Similarly, obtain timing data for Python's list's append method. Graph your data, and describe the trend in words and in big-O notation. Which is faster at appending: List or Python's list?

Test Prepending

Whereas appending adds an element to the end of a list, prepending adds an element to the start of a list. How do you prepend to List? To an ordinary Python list? (Hint: You don't need to write any methods.)

Just as you did for appending, obtain timing data for how long it takes to prepend to List and to Python's list, for lists of various sizes. Describe the efficiency using big-O notation. Which is faster at prepending: List or Python's list? Based on your knowledge of how List is implemented, explain why it exhibits the behavior that it does.

Test Accessing the Middle

We've tested how long it takes to access the end of a list and how long it takes to access the start of a list. Now I want to access the middle. Specifically, how long does it take to read a value out of the very middle of the list? For example, on a list a of length 1000, how long does the operation x = a[500] take?

Obtain timing data for how long it takes to access items in the middle of List and in the middle of Python's list. Describe the efficiency using big-O notation. Which is faster? Explain why List exhibits the behavior that it does.

Submit Your Work

Make sure that list.py and listtests.py exhibit Good Python Style. Submit both files electronically, as you did for the preceding assignment. Your report, including graphs, explanations, and big-O descriptions, should be submitted to me on paper; give it to me in person, or put it in my mailbox (the one that says "Josh Davis") in the CS/Math departmental offices. These are the grading criteria: