2010 March 28 / j d a v i s @ c a r l e t o n . e d u
Introductory Survey
Please send me e-mail by Tuesday morning with the subject line "Math 215 intro survey" and the body containing the following information. This first block of questions helps me understand your expectations and goals.
- Name?
- Home town?
- Expected year of graduation?
- Expected major(s)?
- Why are you taking this course?
- Have you ever studied statistics?
- Have you taken any other college-level math courses?
This second block of questions exists solely so that we can get some data to analyze. Your responses will be recorded without your name. Only aggregate information will be made available to the class.
- In what month (e.g. October) were you born?
- Off the top of your head, what is the population of Brazil (as of 2009)?
- On economic issues, which of the following best describes your views?
- very conservative
- conservative
- centrist
- liberal
- very liberal
- On social issues, which of the following best describes your views?
- very conservative
- conservative
- centrist
- liberal
- very liberal
- Height?
- Do you have a Facebook page?
- How many siblings do you have?
- Gender: Male, Female, or Other Identification?
Thanks for your help.