2010 January 4 / j d a v i s @ c a r l e t o n . e d u
There are four parts to this assignment.
First, read the course web page, which is also the syllabus. You are responsible for knowing everything on there; I will hold you to it. Let me know if you have any questions.
Second, if you have not already logged into one of the computers in CMC 306, do so now. This is important, because the first time you log in a lot of information is set up for you. On Wednesday we will work in the computer lab, and we need everything to be running smoothly, so that we can learn some computer science. If something goes wrong, then talk to a lab assistant or to Mike Tie in CMC 305.
Third, send me e-mail (the address is above) with the following information.
Fourth, remember to read pages 1-28 for Wednesday. In the future I will not remind you what to read from each class; the Schedule at the bottom of the course web page will tell you what's expected.