2016 September 12,
CS 111: Assignment: Introduction
Read the syllabus. Send me e-mail with CS 111 in the subject line, by 11:59 PM Monday night, with your answers to the following questions.
- What's your expected major? (It's okay not to know, but guess.)
- What's your home town/state/country?
- Have you ever done any computer programming? (If not, that's okay!)
- What was the last math course that you took?
- Why do you want to take this course? Are you fulfilling college requirements? Major requirements? Want to learn some programming? Curious about computers? Fanatical about computers?
- What special task are you required to perform during the first two weeks of the course?
- I'm trying to set office hours that my students can attend, when they want to. Are you available during...
- Period 1A?
- Period 3A?
- Thu 11:00-12:00?
- Thu 2:30-3:30?
- What would you like to be called in class? For example, if your name is Gamaliel but you want to be called Pat, then tell me.
- Is there anything else you want to tell me right now?