2020 February 12,
Carleton College, Joshua R. Davis
A. Problem 4.20. (Hint: .si egaugnal sti tahw tuoba kniht nehT .rediced a ngised tsriF)
Theorem 4.5 says that the language EQDFA is decidable. This next problem provides a somewhat different approach to proving the same result: Simply simulate the two DFAs on all strings up to a certain length m, and then make a decision.
B. Let M1 and M2 be DFAs. Prove that there exists an integer m ≥ 1 such that, if M1 and M2 agree on all strings of length less than m, then they agree on all strings. ("Agree on a string" means that both machines accept the string or both machines reject the string.) In fact, your proof should be constructive: You should give an algorithm for deducing m from M1 and M2.
C. Problem 5.15. (Hint: .noisiced sti ekam neht dna sevom m rof tupni sti etalumis nac rediced ruoY .tupni sti morf ecuded nac rediced ruoy hcihw ,m rebmun a si erehT)