2008 March 5 / E-Mail Me


Topology, Carleton College Math 354, Winter 2008, Prof. Joshua R. Davis

We largely follow the textbook (Munkres, Topology, 2nd edition), but we cover only a few chapters (perhaps 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, depending on students' background and interests). Remember to read the day's sections before class, and to do the problems promptly after class rather than waiting for their due date.

DayDateTopicReadingProblemsHand-In Day
1F 1/4overviewVector Fields
2M 1/7spaces, bases12, 1313 #1, 4, 5, 84
3W 1/9metrics, norms, inner products20 until 20.3, Inequalities20 #1b, 96
4F 1/11products, subspaces15, 16 until order topology16 #1, 4, 66
5M 1/14closed sets, Hausdorffness1717 #7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 199
6W 1/16continuity1818 #3, 10, 119
7F 1/18homeomorphisms, manifolds2121 #29
8M 1/21quotients2222 #3, 412
9W 1/23connectedness23, skim 24, skim 25
23 #11
24 #1c, 2, 3, 8c
10F 1/25exam 1
11M 1/28compactness, Heine-Borel26, skim 2726 #4b, 5, 8
27 #2b
12W 1/30Urysohn lemma32.3, 33.1, 36grade 22#3, 24#3
13F 2/1embedding manifolds36none
M 2/4midterm break
14W 2/6homotopy, isotopyGroups, 51, 5251 #1, 317
15F 2/8fundamental group, covering spaces52, 5352 #3, 4, 6
53 #3, 6b
16M 2/11liftings5454 #3, 620
17W 2/13retractions, Brouwer fixed-point5555 #1, 220
18F 2/15catch upnone
19M 2/18Borsuk-Ulam, ham sandwich57none
20W 2/20homotopy equivalence58none (exam)
21F 2/22catch-upnone
22M 2/25intro Seifert-van Kampen59none
23W 2/27free groups, Seifert-van Kampenskim (67, 68, 69), 70none
24F 2/29fundamental group examples70, 73none
25M 3/3fundamental groups of surfaces73, 74
26W 3/5surgery on surfaces75, 76
27F 3/7classification of surfaces77, 78(exam)
28M 3/10what's next?