Last modified 31 July 2003 by
Math 113
Here's the news:
- 31 July: My office hours next week will be MT 10:00-3:00 (with a break
for class) and W 12:40-3:00. There will be a review session, T 3:00-5:00,
in our usual classroom.
- 31 July: The final exam will be held next Wednesday and Thursday, in
class. The first part will be cumulative, but focused on the material
learned since the second exam (vectors and complex numbers). It counts
for 20% of your grade. The second part will be a summary test of
everything we've done this semester; it counts for 15% of your grade.
- 20 July: I've posted a one-page
summary of algebra (PDF, 40 KB), for those who want to brush up.
- 16 July: I'll have extended office hours on Monday and Tuesday before the exam; they'll be 12:40-3:00.
- 15 July: The second exam will be held Wednesday 23 July, in class. I will be holding a review session on Monday, from 3:00 to 5:00, in our usual room. At the review session, you can ask questions on concepts or problems, and I will answer them. I have also prepared a review sheet, just like last time.
- 26 June: There will be no review session for the first exam, but I am preparing a review sheet with topics and tips.
- 26 June: I am holding extra office hours Friday and Monday, 12:40-3:40, to help you prepare for the exam on Tuesday.
- 25 June: GUTS offers drop-in tutoring in math, science, and other topics. They're in Union South 302A, MTWR 11:00-3:00.
- 23 June: The first exam will be on Tuesday 1 July, in class. It will
cover chapters 1, 2, 5, and 3. The questions will be a mixture of
definitions, calculations, and story problems.
- 23 June: I will not be having office hours today. But I am adding an
additional office hour on Tuesday, every week from now on.
Here's the key information:
- We meet 11:45-12:35 MTWR (where R means Thursday), in B129 Van Vleck. Each class is a mixture of lecture, discussion, problem solving, and group work.
- Your instructor is Josh (me). The best way to contact me is by
emailing My office is 518 Van Vleck Hall, (608) 262-3860. I hold office hours MTWR 12:40-1:30 (but this might change, depending on what the students want). If you can't make it to office hours, then e-mail me to make an appointment. The class web page is at
- The textbook is "Trigonometry" by Baley and Sarell, revised third edition, from McGraw-Hill. We follow it roughly. Check the syllabus, which is at, often.
- You may use a scientific or graphing calculator on homework, if you wish, but be sure that you can do the problems without one, because no calculators are allowed on the exams! Unless otherwise noted, you are required to give exact answers; for example, if the answer is pi, then 3.14159 is incorrect.
Here's how your grade is determined:
- 10% class participation
- 10% homework
- 20% first exam
- 25% second exam
- 35% final exam
Notice that class participation constitutes one tenth of your grade. Anyone putting in a reasonable effort in class should get full credit here. This is what I expect from you on a daily basis:
- Read the book. Almost everything you need to know is in there, and not everything will be discussed explicitly in class.
- Attend class. It's okay to miss classes here and there because other things come up, but don't make a habit of it.
- Have your homework done. We can discuss problems that you didn't get.
- Ask questions. Class is supposed to be interactive. If you have questions on old material (including stuff from previous courses, such as algebra), then see me in my office as soon as possible to get things cleared up.
- Participate in group work. It can be very helpful to discuss problems and ideas with other people.
Homework is collected almost daily, just so that I can check that you have tried the problems. (I will be happy to grade your homework in detail upon request.) You must show all of your work. If you hand in work regularly, then you should get close to full credit on homework. Here's why you should take homework seriously:
- You learn math by practicing it, not by listening to me talking about it.
- You keep up with what we're learning, as we learn it. This is far superior to waiting until an exam and then studying.
- We discuss some problems in class. We often discover alternative methods of solution. You come to understand what I expect from your solutions. I get feedback on what you do and do not understand, so I can review sticky points.
- You are encouraged to work with your classmates. This increases everyone's understanding.
Exams are cumulative, but somewhat focused on recent material. Only in exceptional circumstances, with advance notice if possible, are you allowed to reschedule an exam.